TEAM TURTLE Wedemark e.V.

Project Recycling

“We don't need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly.
We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.”

– Anne Marie Bonneau –

Plasic, Plastic and Plastic again

The world is drowning in plastic waste, but instead of doing something about it, more and more plastic is being produced. Day after day, plastic also ends up in the ocean. It is expected that up to 12 million tons per year are dumped into the ocean worldwide, which is roughly equivalent to one truckload per minute. Latest studies show that ghost nets are responsible for about 30 to 50% of the plastic waste in the oceans. Of course, the ones who suffer are not us humans, but primarily the animals.

Photo: wikipedia


To draw attention to these problems, we started our PROJECTRECYCLING. We collect, clean and shred HDPE (high-density polyethylene) to then melt it down and make refrigerator magnets out of it – TURTLEMAGNETS, of course. 

Why HDPE – because when it is heated, no harmful fumes are produced.

Of course, we know that this is only a drop in the bucket, but this way the waste does not end up in the incinerator and gets a second life as TURTLEMAGNET instead.

Depending on the color of the plastic waste we use, wonderfully colorful TURTLEMAGNETS are created.

Small but nice.

Each TURTLEMAGNET is one of a kind.

100% handmade – only authentic with quirk.

How to get your TurtleMagnet

If you donate 20 Euro or more you will get a TURTLEMAGNET for free. Just talk to us at events, write us an email, or write us your address in the purpose of your PAYPALDONATION. You are welcome to specify color preferences, we try to meet them depending on availability. Only while stocks last.