TEAM TURTLE Wedemark e.V.

Project Trash

„Many small people, in many small places, doing many small things
can alter the face of the world.”

– African proverb –

Cleanup of the Wedemark

I am a small people, I do small things, hopefully the proverb is right!

For my campaign for CICI on World Cleanup Day 2021, I built my trash mobile with my father from a broken handcart and an old bookshelf. Thanks to several buckets, the garbage can already be separated during collection and, if necessary, packed into the proper trash bags.

Since then, I have made a few rounds with it to collect trash with my parents and friends. Unfortunately, after two or three kilometers, the quite spacious handcart was always completely filled with all kinds of trash.

If you lose a candy wrapper, a handkerchief, a glove, or a cap, that is understandable. But cigarette butts, hip flasks, (half)full cans and jars with sausages or vegetables, garden hoses, water taps, TV cartons, small electrical devices, lampscreens, bags full of old glass, fenders or even truck wheels are not easy to lose. And it is not really more work to bring all the waste to the nearest container or recycling center instead of driving it into the forest or throwing it in the bushes somewhere.

Waste Quantity 2021 Total weight 211.24 kg

Among other things:

295 snack packs
56 cigarette packs
26 Tetra packs
49 foil drink packs/ squeeze bags
102 FFP2 and surgical masks
12 diapers
5 sanitary towels
and 14,98€ refundable deposit

The best found objects:

several broken wooden pallets
three sewage pipes
several one-way barbecues
plastic composter
truck wheel
broken pylons
several election posters
various fenders
broken water tap
lamp screen
two hubcaps
a destroyed kettle grill
several meters of garden hose
a water boiler
one washing machine hose
several meters of power cable


right shoe
knitted hat
16 pairs of new socks
polo shirt
cycling glove
a bag of bandages
romper suit
two sweaters
work gloves
and a pacifier